Surviving Tax Season as an Artist
Community: A Theatrical Necessity
How to Help Your Director Carry Out His or Her Vision
It would seem that within the realm of any individual stage show, it’s the associated stage director that is the single most powerful driving factor to help guide the show to ultimate success. But be not fooled, the director needs a ton of help/support to carry out his/her vision. Let us take a few moments to touch upon some key elements that lead to a highly effective stage director.
Social Media Savvy for Actors
So why are we so surprised that industry executives want their performers to have followings? Maybe it is time to start looking at social media in a different way. Flip it on its head, and look at it as a brilliant opportunity to cultivate what makes us unique, and — in turn — helps us find our tribe. That tribe of followers can translate into a platform that can truly help you in your career. How you go about gaining your followers, creating your niche, and nurturing your platform is up to you. Here are some vital tips on how to use social media to enhance your performing arts career: