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Meet the Interns

Introducing the StageAgent summer interns! StageAgent interns spend four months with us and gain training and insight into the inner-workings of running a major web publishing property. They also get the opportunity to develop their writing portfolio by creating new show guides, improving upon existing guides, and contributing to the StageAgent blog. Recently, two fabulous interns began their summer term working with StageAgent, and we’d like to introduce them to you.
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4 Tips for Responsible Performance Adjudication

Performance adjudication is an important component of classroom assessments, thespian events and festivals, and high school awards competitions. Performers and directors revel in the compliments and bristle at the criticisms. Adjudicator comments can vary widely, even for the same show. Responsible adjudication, especially when dealing with students, is vital. Students are still in the process of learning, and as adjudicators, our job is to give feedback that will teach. If you are an adjudicator, follow these four guidelines to ensure that you do your job correctly and help students improve.
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A Lighting Designer Focuses on Life: An Interview

Whether it’s as simple as lighting an actor’s face for visibility, or a special effect for musicals like Sweeney Todd, a lighting designer’s job is all about problem solving. As a full-time freelance designer, Kevin spends at least one, but usually two or three weeks a month in tech rehearsals in theaters throughout California. “It is a hard but absolutely wonderful life. If you’re like I was in high school and have any inkling to do theatre, do it.” Read our latest interview on StageAgent.

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