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Staying Healthy and Fit: An Actor Exercises

Fitness truly comes in all shapes and sizes. The word fit means “able to do a task.” That’s it. Nothing more. But when you get a theatre job, it can actually be a great time to “get in shape,” whatever that means to you. If you’re already strong and fit, maybe your goal is to be stronger. Or maybe you’d like to lose a few pounds. Or maybe you’ve never seriously exercised and want to start. This is a great time for two reasons: the first, you are likely away from home and away from the distractions of your day-to-day life (like friends, a day job, your favorite TV show on the DVR); the second, once your show is running, you have an insane amount of free time. What else are you going to do with all that time?
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Performers of any kind rely on their bodies. Whether they are dancing, singing, or acting the most dramatic roles, a performer needs access to their abilities and their emotional life. As performing artists, we’ve chosen a difficult path, one often laden with long hours, little rest, constant practice and training, for what at times can be little reward. To survive in this environment, and hopefully thrive, you must have your health, and be able to maintain your health when you’re away from home.
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Hard to Say Goodbye: Leaving a Show on Good Terms

When actors are given a contract for most theatre jobs, they usually have finite terms, an “end date.” I would imagine that most contracts are honored by the actor, as work is hard enough to come by. But occasionally, we are lucky enough to have another company offer an opportunity before we have completed the terms of the current employer. Assuming we want to accept the offer, what do we do?
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How to Keep a Long-Running Performance Fresh

What happens when an actor grabs that brass ring at last, the long-running contract? It could be a tour, or a Broadway show, even some regional theatres that operate continuous schedules, producing the same show(s) for years on end? You’ve finally been rewarded for all your efforts, and that reward is…to do the same thing 6 nights a week for the next 6 months, even a year, maybe even longer? How can you manage it?

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