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I Wish I Knew: NY, LA or Chicago? Interview with York Walker and Caitlan Taylor

One of the biggest decisions an artist will have to make in their career is “Where should I move?” This week in I Wish I Knew, we interviewed York Walker and Caitlan Taylor about their experiences living in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. If you’ve been looking for some advice about these three cities (the most popular choices for aspiring artists) this is the post for you!
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Hamilton Hype: Why We Are Obsessed

Standing on the stage of the Richard Rodgers Theatre, after a quiet Sunday matinee of Hamilton, I looked out into the gilded, empty house, and thought, “What would Hamilton think of ALL THIS?”

My first night in town I waited at the stage door to ride the train home with a friend in the cast. I thought to myself, “Why is there a fifty year old man standing in a planter box waiting for a glimpse of these people he doesn’t even know? Why are people screaming SO loudly? WHY CAN’T I JUST WALK ON THE SIDEWALK!?” I’d never seen a stage door so reminiscent of a Hollywood red carpet. And they’re all here to watch a play.

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