Kate Lumpkin is a NY based casting assistant/associate, audition coach, style blogger, writer and performer. Follow her adventures on
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Social Media Savvy for Actors

Some people say that social media is more important to your career than actual talent. I wish I could say that is entirely untrue. We live in a world where people are dealing with lots of money. It takes a great deal of money to put on a Broadway show or create a new television series. We know that the industry likes to hire celebrities to star in their movies because name recognition sells tickets.

So why are we so surprised that industry executives want their performers to have followings? Maybe it is time to start looking at social media in a different way. Flip it on its head, and look at it as a brilliant opportunity to cultivate what makes us unique, and — in turn — helps us find our tribe. That tribe of followers can translate into a platform that can truly help you in your career. How you go about gaining your followers, creating your niche, and nurturing your platform is up to you. Here are some vital tips on how to use social media to enhance your performing arts career:

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The Art and Importance of Asking for Feedback

In my book, the number one thing that separates good actors from great actors is their ability to hear and respond to feedback. But who is telling artists what they need to hear? There is something amazing that happens when you get cast in a show: you inherit a director.

Suddenly, you have someone to shape your work, and help you see beyond your own limitations. You have a person who is on your side, but is being paid to push you. That person is allowed to question your choices, encourage you to do more and be more, and ask you to reach further inside to make the piece stronger, as a whole. Like a football coach, your director helps you find the plays and puts you in the best position for overall success.

But what about the other ninety percent of your career? All that time when you are trying to get the gig. Ladies and gentlemen —-THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TIME TO ASK FOR FEEDBACK.

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Audition Material That’s Right for YOU

I have found, both in my life as a creative and in my career in casting that there are two kinds of people: those who love auditioning and those that would rather eat glass, but know they must audition in order to work. Either way, auditioning is a necessary evil, if you want to be a professional actor. There is just no way around it. If you are a person who loves auditioning, consider yourself blessed.

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