Elizabeth is a director based in New Haven, CT. She is the Community Engagement Manager at Long Wharf Theatre where she's worked since 2012 in various capacities. For more information on her work at LWT go to Before moving to CT, she co-founded Empty Chair Theatre Company in Arlington, VA, where she directed Shakespeare’s Richard III, Measure for Measure, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Hamlet. She runs Empty Chair's summer programs teaching Shakespeare to students ages 6-18.
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Community: A Theatrical Necessity

Community engagement must be a part of every theatre-making process. There is no theatre without an audience. The audience is as much a part of a play-making experience as the artists—so how do we incorporate them more actively into what we do? We must work with them – and I’ve learned, in so doing, that working with the community teaches me just as much or more about the play on which I’m working than anything I do in the rehearsal room or on stage.

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